
アフターコロナ | 今後の展開 世界の先住民リーダー&スピリチュアリストからのメッセージ!|テ・ポロハウ長老 〜今起きていることは、“愛、希望、平和と真実を伝えるメッセージ”〜
- Posted by cosmicstars
- On June 5, 2020
- ドラゴン, ワイタハ, ニュージーランド, スピリチュアル, コロナウイルス, アセンション, 新型ウイルス, ヒーリング, シリウス, 龍
コロナウイルスのニュースが全世界を震撼させた2020年3月。この ”コロナウイルスの意味” について、多くのスピリチュアルリーダーに伺った通り、これは、まさに ”恐怖を選ぶか、愛と調和を選ぶかの選択” であり、テストだったと感じます。6月に入った今、コロナウイルスの被害が落ち着きつつあり、ロックダウンが解除されてきている中、アメリカでは黒人差別への抗議デモが起こっており、今後の世界はどうなっていくのか、多くの人が気になっていることと思い、再度、世界のスピリチュアリストの方々に、今回起こった出来事のスピリチュアル的な意味と、今後の可能性をお聞きしました。
ワイタハ族 祭祀
(Te Porohau Ruka Te Korakora)
生まれてすぐ祭祀になるために祖父母に引き取られて3歳の頃に聖なる洞窟で地中の中に3日間閉じ込められる ”リトル・デス” というセレモニーを受ける。その影響で類まれな能力とパワーを身に付ける。また、生物や化学にも長けており、大学で伝統を教授している。長老の家系はルカ(イルカ)の種族でもあり、古くからイルカやクジラとも共存していて、その伝統を受け継いだ水のセレモニーやヒーリングを得意とする。さらに長老の家系はドラゴンとも深く関わりがあり、古くから伝わる「マジック・ドラゴン・スクール」の最後の生徒である。若い世代に伝統を伝えながら、2011年より毎年来日して日本全土を回りながら祈り、人々の意識に働きかけている。
“Ngau Kaka riki ki te Ao Mokomoko, He tara kiri kino, ki te tangata.
Tere te noho mauri manawa pa, koe, whanau, hapu, Iwi. Ki a ora manawa ora, ki a ora ai ko te Ao”
「ミクロの世界の痛みと死に侵されるとき、それは一瞬で “痛みを伴う死” が人類に訪れる。人生の活力を維持し、愛情のある世界を守るために、隔離された場所(自己、家族、友人、コミュニティ)にすばやく移動する」
私の曽祖母に付いていた銀のグレイト・グランド・マザー・ドラゴンからの私たちへ送られたメッセージとは、今起きている出来事は、“愛、希望、平和と真実を伝える継続的なメッセージである” と私に言います。
私たちはこれまでにこれらの “水の悪魔(コロナウイルス )” を作り出すことができませんでした。それらは古代のものであり、自然とのバランスを崩すことを意味し、最愛の母なる自然はそれを喜びはしないのです。地球はどんな人間、またはアンドロゲン(男性ホルモン)にも、そのような危険なものを作る許可を与えたことはありません。私たちは、常にこの病原体を身体の中に持っているので、何も新しいことではないのです。
Covid 19ウイルスを含む全てのウイルスは、人間にとっての国家に似ています。彼らは私たちが気づかないうちに生きたり死んだりしています。 しかし、彼らが私たちをホストとして使用する準備ができていない場合、人間界における軍隊のように私たちの体を支配し、ウイルス国家となって私たちの体に生き残り、繁殖するため一生懸命に身体中で活動しようとします。彼らの生殖プロセスは、私たち人間が寄生元となり、その後感染することになります。これはウイルスが私たちの体を利用して、私たちの細胞内で家族を再生しているということです。
私のシルバードラゴンは、世界中の経済は従来の形に戻ることは決してないだろうと言います。銀行と銀行を取り巻く形態が大きく変化するため、現金、紙幣、硬貨の消失が見られるようになり、プラスチックが私たちの金融の未来になります。私はこれを年老いたニュージーランドのワイタハ人から話を聞いています。彼は、政府、民間部門 (自営業者の納税) の職員として働き、私の仕事に関する全てに関わってくれている人です。現在は、退職年金を受けています。
ドラゴンが言うには、今までのような生活を取り戻すまでの復興については人々が今考えているよりも長期に渡るようです。これらすべての小さな “水の悪魔(ウイルス)” が完全に消え去ることはないと言うのです。そして彼らがまた戻ってきたとき、元のフォーマットよりもさらに強力になっていると言うのです。
これは私の限られた理解による洞察にすぎません。 私は人々が落ち込んで助けを必要とするときに助けを求めれば、それを救ってくれる高次の存在がいると信じています。私の人生に関わってくれた全ての人々に永遠に感謝しています。私はこの時間、宇宙、宇宙の全てに愛を送ります。
Our message in times like these are the continued messages of love, hope, peace and truth.
by Te Porohau Ruka Te Korako
I wish to begin with the small Waitaha saying or quote that refers to this present-day position that we find ourselves locked into all around the World.
It is : “Ngau Kaka riki ki te Ao Mokomoko, He tara kiri kino, ki te tangata. Tere te noho mauri manawa pa, koe, whanau, hapu, Iwi. Ki a ora manawa ora, ki a ora ai ko te Ao”
“When the microscopic world of pain and death bites, It is a quick and painful death to humanity Move quickly into a place of isolation; self, family, friends, community To sustain life’s vitality, and preserve the loving world.”
My Silver Grandmother Dragon, who belonged to my Great Grandmother, tells me that our message in times like these are the continued messages of love, hope, peace and truth.
This small but deadly virus, that is at the moment going around our world, using poor people who are not aware of the dangers of these ancient strains of minuscule WATER DEMONS that have been around humans, and the Natural World, for eons.
There is so much fuss about these small viruses being man made, now that is a huge joke on humanity.
We have never ever been able to create these water demons. They are ancient, and we have upset the balance of Nature and our dearest Grandmother Nature is not happy with us.
She has never given any human being, Female or Male, or Androgen, the permission to replicate her intricate mysteries.
The Covid 19 virus and all other viruses are like the Nations of Humanity.
They live and die sometimes without us noticing them. However if they are disturbed and we are not prepared for their need to use us as hosts, they will try very hard like a human army to dominate us, and to help them as a virus nation to survive and to reproduce.
Their reproduction process involves we human beings to become their parasitic hosts, and we then become infected, which is just another way of them using us to reproduce their family within our cell make up.
It is an amazing process, that we have not been able to see because of how we have been educated and taught to think of ourselves as next to Gods. We are not next to the Gods, we are unfortunately the youngest of the mammals, in the entire families of reproductive organisms.
I thank all of our World Leaders who have taken active roles in isolating our communities into survival bubbles, communities, and nations. Because our ancient past stories tell of these very measures being successful. And there are historic examples of the invasion of humanity into other ancient groups, totally FOREVER IN LOVE, PEACE, AND, TRUTH
Decimated populations of indigenous natives, with just the common cold, which is in itself a virulent strain of Sars, that communities have become immune to, yet still get repeat doses of it. New Zealand Indigenous Natives were like this in the 1700’s and late 1800’s.
Being largely saved by inter-marriage or having children with the visiting Whalers, Sealers, Ministers of Religion and all other arrangements that happened.
Why I say it is my Great Grandmothers Silver Dragons voice, is the story has not changed, it is an ongoing story that has different results but it still tells of the interference of mankind with the natural order and only by doing those things that we know from our histories are successful are we able to save ourselves from other human beings actions.
At the moment it is the Scientists who are at fault, trying to tamper with Nature. Now we all have to suffer for their mistakes.
How do you think the world will change after this pandemic and when this pandemic will be over?
The world as the everyday human being sees it up until the locking down of our Nations, to help as they say Flatten the Curve of the effects of the Sars Covid – 19 pathogen, was a huge and well thought out battle plan by those leaders who took the initiative of taking away the foolishness of human beings in running around presenting themselves as voluntary targets and hosts for the Pathogen Virus of this time, 2019 / 2020, number #19.
We here in New Zealand, are so very thankful to have a Warrior Princess called Jacinda Ardern as our Prime Minister. She is a Mother first, a partner, a Prime Minister in that order and she is much loved. We are eternally grateful to her for making the hard decisions look relatively easy. We believe that New Zealand stands a good chance of keeping our medical centers able to handle the demands at this time.
This Pathogen has not gone away, like I said earlier it is still present in our lives. it is continually regrading itself, renewing itself and in our future it will have morphed into another shape and form that will allow it to live quite happily having strengthened up its natural defenses that we been able through testing, to hinder its development, and I have to say at a huge cost of lives around the world.
Because of our ability to capture instant figures around the world and to provide graphs we are able to see instantly the track and the devastation that this microscopic pathogen has taken through the world.
And I have to add, that it also points out to myself, just how easily through water borne systems, coughing, sneezing, breathing water vapor the ease that it has taken to get around the world in such a short time.
I believe we have only ourselves to blame. Poor personal hygiene and not valuing our own personal space in these times. The world as I understand it has changed forever.
More men and women around the world are doing simple hygiene actions more efficiently. Washing hands for at least two minutes, after going outside into the city, into the village, into a concert. The majority of Men in our Western World, are so Macho that the need for washing hands etc. does not even come into the picture frame of life. However this has changed, for the pictures of, and the descriptions of the damage done to human lungs by this Pathogen has changed the thinking of the future I believe forever.
My Silver Dragon tells me that the economy around the world will never come back to what it was.
The Banking and life around banking will change so much that we will now almost see the disappearance of cash, notes and coins, and that plastics will be the future of our finance.
I am speaking now as a New Zealand Waitaha person who is a superannuant.
That is a person who worked continually all my working life as an employee of the Government, Private Sector, and self-employed paying taxes for all my working life. Now receiving superannuation.
The present day and into the future economic life tell me that there will be a longer period of getting back to normal, and that normal will be about three to four years out from this May 2020.
So many infra-structures have been damaged by our lockdown process, not just in New Zealand but all around the World. Transport, Factories, Warehousing, Stockpiling, Agriculture, Fish Marketing, Dairy Farming, Cattle and Beef, Sheep Farms all totally impacted on by the Lockdown. We will be lucky to be back in three years to normal.
For our own sakes I hope that the people themselves who once worked in these demanding places prior to March 11th 2020, will be alive and well enough to return to work to help to begin again the slow process of coming back to normal. Many years ago, I started to buy gold, silver, and when I could to buy diamonds or precious jewels but that was a very hard process to do because of my economic position at that time.
Those who were able to make Crypto-currency and other e and I money versions their future have now the opportunity to relax and to allow the futures that do not require any other reality to help them in their investments, have made a good call for the future.
In Dragon Talk it seems that the normal return of life will be over a longer period of time that people are looking at today. For the reality of all these little WATER DEMONII IS THAT THEY DO NOT GO AWAY. And sometimes when they come back around, they are worse than their original format.
The world has already changed FOREVER, we in New Zealand have cleaner sea water, cleaner water, our skies are clearer, and our air is cleaner, and so too around the world people are seeing changes, just in the last 38 days of lockdowns that we have had.
So do not despair, while we human beings have to be isolated, we are forgetting that Grandmother Earth is taking advantage of our changes to help herself to recover from the poisons that we as humans have been pouring into her as we modernize and create our heaven here on earth.
Now we are seeing that the heaven we believed we were creating is really the killing of ourselves and our world.
Please know that this is only a insight into my life in my limited understanding.
I still believe that there is a higher being that helps us should we ask for help when we are feeling down and need help.
I am forever grateful for all those who have walked and talked with me.
I send my love to all in this time, space and Universe.
Te Porohau Ruka Te Korako
Whatukura of Waitaha
Kaikohe, Northland New Zealand.